I hope to take this trip in the second half of Summer 2010, either in mid July or late August. My initial idea is to budget 10-18 days, and the final length will depend on fiscal budget, time, and the actual route that emerges.
- The Power of Social Networking. Using Facebook and Twitter to connect with fans and readers who would enjoy meeting me, I will plot a route that takes me to as many diverse locations in North America as I possibly can.
- The Diversity of the Magic Community. I hope to meet and write about professional players, casual afficionados, Limited and Constructed players, EDH'ers, kitchen table warriors, and every other type of player there is.
- The Evolution of Blogging. There are a few people that make a living through blogging, but I want to prove that an undertaking like this is not so ambitious as people think. By using strict budgeting and time management, I want to show that long trips like this are more accessible than people think.
- A blog (this one!) will be maintained documenting the trip and the people I meet in written word, photo and video.
- Text updates will be as frequent as travel and my schedule will allow. I will aim for multiple daily updates of shorter length, sometimes just updating to post a few images.
- If equipment is available, video coverage is desirable. A sponsor may need to lend or donate a video camera since the iPhone's camera is really sub-par.
- The trip will be strictly budgeted, both for the sanity of the author and to demonstrate the power of being conscious and sticking to a budget. This lesson will help many who have trouble understanding how to treat their Magic-playing time as a business.
- The trip will have a few sponsors who both support what the endeavor represents and who would like to capture some of the attention that the trip will garner. I intend this to be a media spectacle in the Magic community, as nothing of the sort has been done before.
- QS readers will also have the opportunity to donate money to the cause. This money will be retained in a dedicated paypal account until it is needed. Should the trip not occur for any reason, donations would be refunded.
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