Thursday, June 17, 2010

MTGCast signs on as first official sponsor!

MTGCast has just agreed to be the first sponsor of the QS Tour, offering about 20% of the total target budget! You can expect to see me rocking an MTGCast shirt on the trip. How often? Well let's just say it'll be X+1 times, where X is the number of times I get to do laundry on the road.

As you can see on the main site, I've been playing with podcasting and the like in preparation for the trip :) If you have any thoughts regarding sponsoring the trip, remember that any amount is helpful, and I can always work out a good way for a sponsor to get their money's worth.


Matt said...

You should contact WotC if you haven't already. I was actually thinking of doing something similar this summer, starting with GP: DC and ending at GP: Columbus but I was going to RV it and take a bunch of friends. WotC seemed interested and I spoke to someone from their PR a couple of times but in the end I wasn't able to do the trip.

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