Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Updates!

I've been looking at the data, and it seems like the most plausable trip would be one that departs from my home town of Lafayette, Indiana, and then does a loop through Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC, Western VA (SCG Game Center!) then cutting thru South Carolina and down to Atlanta. From there, I'd like to trek up through northern Arkansas by way of Memphis, stop through St Louis, and maybe hit a few Kentucky cities on the way home.

Unfortunately, barring some outrageously generous sponsorship deal, I won't be able to do a Pacific leg of the trip. That would add a huge cost, but I can reserve that for a future trip if this one goes well. Just letting you guys know that I haven't forgotten about this idea, but I've been ruminating over my options. Again, this trip is 100% contingent upon me getting sponsorship agreements in place. If you or anyone you know would benefit from the truck-load of media I'll be putting out over the 2 weeks, please direct them my way to discuss sponsorship opportunities! I'm trying to raise around $1000 for this trip to ensure that I have an ample cushion in case something goes horribly awry. I have budgeted it out to look like $650 or so including gas and food, but there will surely be other things that crop up that need looking after. Here's hoping this comes together!


Unknown said...

You should probably figure out and publicly post why someone should be giving you money to visit their store : )

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